Welcome to HotforPyrex.com! This website has been a long time in the works … LONG time. I originally had the idea for this site 4 years ago as a way to keep in contact with fellow Pyrex collectors. Facebook and Flickr made this website a “nice to have,” but over the years I became frustrated with the limitations of those sites and decided this website was a necessity.
My hope is that this site will provide a platform by which I can share the research I have done, as well as pictures of my personal collection. I primarily collect rare and hard to find Pyrex, but my love for Pyrex extends to all pieces (rare and common) from all over the world (American, Canadian, UK, Australian, and French).
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, comments, or just want to say hi. Whether you are just starting your Pyrex collection, or have been collecting for years, welcome!